Summaries: It was difficult to make this task first time, but later I understood how to make it and improved. It was difficult to define the main points of the text and to rewrite the main ideas in my own words. I think that my performance was normal.
ESP vocabulary tests: This term we have written less tests than last term, so it is harder to evaluate myself. My performance was not so good because of the lack of the time spent on learning, and also there were some difficult topics with definitions which were hard to learn.
self designed tests: It was useful to make such kind of tests. The good point is, that I revised the topic when preparing test for the friends and that's why I managed to do their tests correctly. Sometimes I didn't do it right, for some questions were so specific.
dictations: I was not so good at writing dictations, because sometimes I misswrite words, for they were new and I didn't know their spelling, and it was quite difficult to get used to such a quick way of dictation.
contributions to weblogs: It was ok, this task is nothing special, that's why I haven't problems with it and managed to make all contributions. However, my weak point is capital letters ant spelling. I sometimes do not pay enough attention to this and do not read twice.
Participation in class discussions I performed well in this task, for I had possibility to say my opinion every time I wanted, I was not afraid of making and correcting my mistakes while speaking.
Presentations: Haven't done this task yet.. :) But I will.
Speaking in pairs: It was not hard for me to speak in pairs, I understood my classmates, and managed to be fluent and attentive.
Listening activities in class: Sometimes it was hard for me to follow the text. I performed quite good when doing these tasks, and my weakest point is filling the gaps while listening. And I perform worse if the question I have to answer has 2 or more answers and I have to choose one, the most suitable.
Listening to podcasts: It was not hard for me to listen to podcasts, for I have chosen the ones, which had interesting theme. My vocabulary is good enough to understand everything I hear. Also there was a text written which helped a lot.
Listening outside the class it was quite difficult to hear and understand foreigners speaking English, for they have different dialects and pronounce some words differently. However, I lived with them and listened to them speaking for quite long period of time and managed to understand everything till the end of the week.
Home reading: I do not face any problems when reading at home, for I can always use my dictionary if needed. It is not hard for me to understand the texts I read, for they have interesting topics and usually I can guess the meaning of the word correctly.
Class reading: It was not hard task ant I managed to make it correctly.
Reading comprehension exercises I managed to do it well, but still it was hard for me to put the missing text in the right order. Also
Computer tasks: I did it well, for I have a computer at home, and computer tasks are not difficult.
1 komentaras:
I really liked to read your self-assessment, because it was exhaustive and in my opinion, you evaluate yourself very exactly.
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