2008 m. lapkričio 30 d., sekmadienis


Writing (a summary): I faced some difficulties when recognizing and defining the main points of the text. However, in my opinion my performance in this task was good.
Writing ESP vocabulary tests: My performance was very good because I spent quite much time on learning, however there were some topics with definitions which were hard to learn and even to understand.
Writing class dictations (Comprehension questions before the listening practice): I was not so good at this task, for I misspell the words which are rarely used. Also it was hard to listen carefully and to write correctly new words, because I didn't know their spelling. And I faced some difficulties in writing, for the dictating was so fast.
Listening comprehension in class: Sometimes it was hard for me to follow the text. I performed quite good when doing these tasks, and my weakest point is filling the gaps while listening. And I perform worse if the question I have to answer has 2 or more answers and I have to choose one, the most suitable.
Listening to peers’ power point presentations: I performed well in this task. I understood more or less everything was said. However I didn’t like some presentations of others, because of using specific vocabulary, which, in my opinion should be simplified.
Making power point presentations: I was not hard task, for I have chosen the theme that was interesting for me and enjoyed reading the material on the net. It was a bit hard to speak in front of the class, but I successfully coped with it.
Speaking on ESP themes in class: This task was not difficult.. I had possibility to say my opinion, and managed to have fluent discussion and to listen to my classmates talking.

2008 m. lapkričio 5 d., trečiadienis

kleptomania - psychological disorder

Kleptomania (Greek: κλέπτειν, kleptein, "to steal", μανία, "mania") is the psychological disorder of not being able to resist consistent tendency to steal.
People with this disorder are eager to steal things of little or no value, such as pens, paper clips, tape, small toys, or packets of sugar or sachets of honey. Some may event not be aware that they have committed the theft. What is more,according to statistics, of all reported shoplifting, only 1% are actually kleptomaniacs.

There are some symptoms of kleptomania:
1)Recurrent failure to resist impulses to steal objects that are not needed for personal use or for their monetary value.
2)Increasing sense of tension immediately before committing the theft.
3)Pleasure, gratification, or relief at the time of committing the theft.
4)The stealing is not committed to express anger or vengeance and is not in response to a delusion or a hallucination.

Kleptomania is thought to be uncommon. However, because many people with kleptomania never seek treatment or they're simply jailed after repeated thefts, many cases of kleptomania may never be diagnosed. Kleptomania often begins in adolescence or in the 20s, but in rare cases it begins in the early childhood.
Researchers are not sure about the things that can be the cause of kleptomania,but there are the factors that may increase the risk of developing kleptomania. These risk factors may include:

1) Strong life stressors, such as a major loss
2) Head trauma or brain injuries
3) Having blood relatives with kleptomania, mood disorders, addictions or obsessive-compulsive disorder
4) Being preoccupied with financial success or material gains.

There is also a thought that healthy upbringing, positive intimate relationships, and management of acutely stressful situations may lower the incidence of kleptomania.

Usually people who have kleptomania get arrested, so that nobody can ever find out, that he or she has this disorder. But there can be more complications like in many cases they become depressive, have alcohol abuse and eating disorders. Moreover, they usually feel anxiety, have suicidal thoughts or behavior and can even become socially isolated.

All things considered, there should be more researches made to help people with this disorder, and to prevent other people from being theft.
